
The word 'self-healing' scares the hell out of me. If it doesn't scare you, it should. It's going to be the big thing this decade, so might as well get a little primer on it.

Self-healing technology is basically tech that fixes itself when it's broken. IBM is already marketing self-healing servers, and though I haven't seen exactly what technology those things use, their aggressive marketing scheme for the stuff makes you believe it's really easy to run, self-sustaining, and relatively inexpensive. DARPA is developing a self-healing minefield. It's a minefield that doesn't quite turn itself off after so many years of use, making the land safe for civilians after a war (what the name 'self-healing minefield' brought to my mind at least) - oh no, that's too nice. In a self-healing minefield, whenever one mine is activated, the nearby mines reposition themselves to fill in any holes in the field.

Between unbreakable computers and lethal weaponry, 'self-healing' technology will give rise to the sort of intelligence theorized in The Matrix. Are we scared yet?