
And life continues to be fun.

-Mavs game. Good seats make those games really pretty fun. I was one of those idiots waving the giant white inflatable thingys whenever Golden State shot a free throw in the first half. As always, a good time.
-On returning from Mavs game, Eric and I decided to hit up Starbucks. What a good call that was. Of all people I could come across, I found Oscar (Lamar choir, for those who don't know) and his posse enjoying a celebratory coffee after they put on their big play. Good bunch of people, and a good time was had until we got kicked out.
-After being dropped off at home by Eric, I took off again for the lan going down at this dude Cameron's place. Cameron turned out to be really cool, as did Emma (who I met IRL for the first time that night).

-Coffee at Coffee Haus. Branched out and got an Eskimocha and liked it quite a bit. Quite a cool group that was there.

So I spent four nights out and about, and I loved pretty much every minute of it. Yay for interesting people.