
Let's play 100 questions!

1.Do you shave?
Why, yes!

2.What do you shave?
Face, face, and more face.

Cause people tell me I'm cuter clean-shaven

4.What colour is your razor?
silver (wow, what a girl quiz this is)

5.What size is your bed?

6.Do you like it?
Why, yes.

7.You're going on a date for a walk around the lake then a coffee at a cafe. what do you wear FROM your closet?
FROM my closet? As opposed to what, TO my closet? Uh, usual first-date clothes.

8.Would you go naked in a bathtub with a naked old man/woman with each of you having a bar of soap and soap each other till the bars of soap run out for a million dollars?
Only if it was someone who psychotically ate soap really fast.

9.If you woke up one morning and found out you were going to stay in the body you have now for the rest of your life, what would you think?

10.Letter or E-mail?
Usually email, but letters are good for some things.

11.If world war III broke out, what would you say?
Ohhhh, Caaaaaaaa-naaaaaaa-daaaaaaaaa..

12.Buttons or boxes?

13.Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most?
I can't fill a list of 5.

14.What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you off?
Lime green.

15.What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you on?
Something warm and soft and fuzzy in the wintertime.

16.What do you think of soulmates?
Sounds good.

17.florida or cali?
I'd have to go with Cali. Lots more variety.

18.Is the world screwed?
If it were any more screwed we'd all be dead

19.Is cussing a neccesity in life?
Why not.

20.What's an object you can't live without?
*Looks at cable modem*

21.Can you live without the microwave?
Who can?

22.You have this uh, erotic dream about your friend of the opp. sex. how do you act and feel around that friend the next day?
Friendlier than usual.

23.Would you rather be rich with 15 spoiled brats or just barely making it with a dog?
About this being a girl quiz..

24. How's your schoolwork for you right now?
My schoolwork is now a red-headed, unwanted, unloved bastard child.

25.What's something someone's done to make you hold a grudge against them?
Screw over someone else.

26.Favorite weather-
Sunny and 75.

27.What's one physical trait that attracts you to a guy/girl?
Yay for eyes.

28.What's one personality trait that attracts you to a guy/girl?

29.Do you know what 143 means?
The last answer to this question said "I love you," is that so?

30.Who's phone number are you hoping to get?
Michelle Branch?

31.Describe melancholy, if you don't know, then skip this question.

32.Describe mellow-

33.Do you beleive in ghosts? why or why not?
No, have you seen the idiots who claim to talk with the dead?

34.What time did you sleep last night?
Supposedly 11:00, realistically 1:00.. I hate sleepless nights.

35.Which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now?
She knows who she is.

36.Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?
Is it right? Probably not. Tolerable? Sure.

37.Would you rather be married in venice, italy, or honolulu, hawaii?

38.Would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life?

39.(guys) how would you feel if you gave a girl a flower?
I like doing that.
(girls) how would you feel if you got a flower from a guy?

40.Do you want to drop school?
Nah, I'm going to have fun when college starts. Even in class.

41.What do you think of the word, "no pain, no gain" ?
It's true.

42.What do you think of the quote "eyes are the passageways into the soul" ?
Looks can be deceitful...

43.What do you think of sleep?
I'm addicted.

44.If you had the chance to slow down your growth now and live to 500 years but it's like a 50 year old body by then, would you go for it?

45.At one point in a girl/guy friendship will one them them like each other even if it's only for a little bit. true or false?
True. There's a philosophical point in When Harry Met Sally that explains this.

46.Are you a procrastinator?
I'm learning to.

47.Waffles or pancakes?
Either or, but must be in conjunction with bacon.

48.How's your cereal in your bowl?
Who said I have a bowl? *looks at box of Freedom Cocoa Puffs*

49.What's an annoying trait about you?
I sound condescending.

50.football or rugby?
Whichever has people watching.

51. hat or visor?
Neither. I have hair for a reason, nitwit.

52.Ice skating or rollerblading?
Never been ice skating..

53.(guys) Your gf has long beautiful hair which you love, she comes to school the next day with a short crop cut. what do you HONESTLY think?
! She cut her hair! How cute!

(girls) Your bf has hair you love. he comes to school the next day with a shiny head. What do you HONESTLY think?

54.pizza or burgers?

55.What colour is your jacket?

56.What's something you ALWAYS have on you?

57.What do you think of guys with nail polishes?
It's about as funny and entertaining as cross-dressing. Which looks absolutely stupid.

58.Do you stay in bed thinking or do you fall alseep in 5 minutes?
I read for close to an hour.

59.Would you rather go to a boarding school, private school, or an all girls or guys school?
I'd file a lawsuit to get into an all-girls school.

60.There's a high school that'll be on a cruise ship and you have the opportunity to go. it's your last year at school. do you go for it?
I get seasick :~(

61. Who do you want to take with you to the prom?
Nobody's caught my attention yet.

62. Your bf/gf gets drunk at a party. in their state of drunkness, they babble about that one time they fooled around with someone else while you were together. they wake up the next morning with a slight memory that did something stupid. what do you do?
Dump the bitch.

63.Is cyber sex considered cheating?
If you're cybering while together with someone you've got issues.

64.How do you react to change?
Me scared.

65.are you happy?

66.Favorite berries-

67.What's one facial feature you'd like to change about yourself?
Give me a goatee instead of these stupid sideburns.

68.Do you take a shower after a bath?
Girl quiz, anyone?

69.what colours your towel?

70.What do you think of knuckle cracking?

71.What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?
The fear of breaking up.

72.Chalk or crayons?
Crayons! 100 cerulean ones. I hate chalk.

73.How's your happiness level right now? 0 (low)- 10 (high)
7.5 - was starting to get depressed but UT let me in honors dorms way early.

74. Coffee, tea, or me? ;)
How about you.

75.Wouldn't you just love to hug someone right now?
Of course...and then throw them against the wall and have a heavy make-out session with them.
76.Who was the last person who complimented you?
*scratches head*

77.What's wrong with your school?
Too few people. It has really bad effects on people.

78.Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?
A stimulant that increases sexual desire. They work, but only on people who aren't tied up in drama issues.

79.Who do you wish you could kiss?
Several people. Not all at the same time though.

80.movies at home or in a theater?
Home with a chick, or in a theater on opening night with all the amigos. (patented blake advice: go for Moulin Rouge. Always.)

81.wanna live in a castle?
I'd rather live in something more modern.

82.Isn't gondola a cool word?
I never liked it, myself.

83.What coat do you wear in the winter?
A big puffy black one.

84.(girls)What's something about guys you don't get?

85.(guys)What's something about girls you don't get?
Why are so many too proud to admit their sexual habits?

86.who was better in rush hour/rush hour 2?
Jackie Chan.

87.If someone said you were hot, what would you think?

88. You go to your bf/gf's house for the first time and in his/her room, and everywhere is... you. what do you think?
Yay, she likes me!

89.What happens when you hear the word christmas?
Where's the mistletoe?

90.Does being a psycho sound appealing?
Hell no, I've seen too many of em.

91.what food brings back good memories?
Garlic bread! Always a good time with Garlic Bread�.

92.Do you talk to yourself?
Way too much.

93.sun or moon?
Moon. Also, I'll take a moonroof over a sunroof.

94.What's your opinion on love?
Ironic that it wasn't invented until around the twelfth century.

95.What's a happy memory of a time you've spent with the opp. sex?
Lots of movie watching with several wonderful members of the female sex.

96.Would you rather go ballroom dancing or square dancing?
Can we go clubbing?

97.Do you think you can afford to lose weight?
I'm happy as I am.

98.If you could dye your hair any colour, what would you dye it?
I liked it when I had lowlights and blonde highlights at the same time.

99.What's the nicest thing any one has ever told you?
No single thing stands out in my mind. But thanks to everyone who's been nice.

100.How was the survey?
Definitely written by a girl.