
So someone took it upon themselves to write a complete history of Capture the Flag as it pertains to Quake3. I loaded up this second part in a three-part series just to see if my old team, [warp], was in there. I don't know why they would be - few people remember [we are reasonable people] and the few who do remember us as either great sports or really funny goofasses.

Yes, goofasses.

Then there it was, in the review of a post-season setup for one season of CAL: The seeding for the East division play-offs were #1 Evolution, #2 Eradicate, #3 Affliction, #4 Massive Destruction, #5 Killers Inc, #6 Virus.23, #7 [warp], and #8 kfc.

And that was it.

#7, warp. Barely hanging in at the top of the pile. Could easily lose their spot to one of the many other teams out there, but somehow managed to make it in. That is the historical note of [warp] - a decent competitive team. Great buncha guys to play with. Etc.

There was a time when my life revolved around [warp]. I loved every second of it. I'd say one of the top 3 experiences of my life was Quakecon 2001 spent with "the [warp] thugs and friends," as they came to be known. Those guys were my best friends. I spent every second of that weekend laughing uncontrollably. And I even played well. I really, really belonged with that group of people.

So then it fell apart. CTF died - hence the writing of the history. [warp] had died sometime before and I've only really managed to keep in touch with one player, a guy who's me with an extra four years. Those guys were the impetus for my choosing Austin - at the time I reveled in the idea of living on fast-food, caffeine, and gaming like I did during Quakecon, and spending an entire four years laughing uncontrollably like I did for four days during that sweltering August of 2001.

So everyone outgrew the game. The older members grew out of gaming altogether and got jobs and made lives for themselves. The younger members run into each other every now and again and YELL STUPID THINGS IN ALL CAPS LIKE THE OLD DAYS!@??!!?!@??? Life will sadly never again be what it was playing in [warp]. But it's a memory that I'll never give up. Thankfully, that clan made history with someone else. And like the [warp] that was true to its day, few people will really understand what that clan was worth to its players.

[we are reasonable people] - 2000 - 2002