
The previous quote is an inside joke. If you don't get it, you're obviously on the outside and that's unfortunate for you.

But I arrived home today from making a horrible physics video at Alex's to find that Lindsey, the only remaining person I talk to from my Honors Colloquium clique, spotted the quote and made the convincing argument that said person was on an equestrian scholarship. It made me think, though. I've barely had those experiences where you're far from home, so far that you become defamiliarized with everything you know. Ones where you meet new people who live far away and you stay in touch with them and it's a really long time until you see them again, etc. etc.

Oh shit. I'm completely wrong. This is why I've played games for the last four years. And I have made those friends, and they're part of the reason why I'm going to Austin.

It's amazing how easily I lose perspective on things.