
Which OS are You?

So if all goes well, I'll be loading up "younger brother" Win98 on a new, old laptop courtesy Mike tomorrow. The bastard's owed me that computer for a year. If I remember rightly it has a DVD drive so it'll make a fun little companion to San Antonio if it magically starts working with the battery it has. More than likely it'll need a few weeks' surgery before I can start doing anything with it. But still, it'll be fun/trendy/hip to have a laptop of my very own, even if just for word processing / wireless networking / Counter-Strike.

I'm getting a CS laptop so I can quickly pack it up and run if the gangs come after me in the gaming cafes. Sad circumstances we live in.

Thought of the week: if major reforms don't happen in Washington in the next ten years (*cough*, ahem, repeal the USA PATRIOT Act anyone?), I will probably leave the country, either for Canada or England.