
Life is far too hectic for my own good. I've gotten the Blake form of senioritis which equals out to satisfaction with B-quality work since going for 5 A's on top of AP English is absolutely impossible.

Added Joshvar, my main man in Austin, to the amigos list. Removed Emily because her Livejournal is too damn boring. Stop moping and get back to the Seinfeld-style irreverence that we all came to know and love, bitch. =p Anyway, Josh wrote a brilliant rant on cell phones and some other stuff, so he's worth the click.

Added the birthday list up in the top corner.

I really wish I had time to rant. Alas, any spare time I get is going back to reclaiming my sanity between classes and the boredom that is Real Life� right now. I'm off to see if my girlfriend wanders over to wish me to get well soon and all that fun stuff.

Now I'm starting to sound depressed. I'm not as sad as my writing sounds. Really.