
Oh, I forgot to mention my absolutely hilarious story from visiting Habib over at UTD Friday night.

UTD people, for those not in the know, get a really good deal when it comes to housing: he has his own apartment. Two people get a two-bedroom apartment with private bathrooms and a huge common living space, and a nice balcony to boot. So Habib has a pretty nice setup in his room: a bed directly next to his computer, opposite of which is his guitar. Adorning the walls are Incubus posters, and pictures of his family line the top of his dresser.

This is where things get fun.

On the top of the dresser is a wallet-size picture of him sitting back-to-back with an unbelievably attractive brunette. "Dude," I exclaim, "who is this?" I feel proud of my buddy Habib; I didn't think he got chicks of the unbelievably-attractive-brunette kind.

"Dude," he replies, "that's my sister."