
Going into livejournal mode again. LJ mode, for the uninitiated, is when I ramble on several completely unrelated topics in search of a mere nugget of wisdom, much like, you guessed it, a LiveJournal.

Ugh. Teenage drama.

I just got into yet another fight with a girl over absolutely friggin' nothing. Why can't everyone be a good communicator? If there were a required class in high school about interpersonal communication and compromise, we'd all be far better off. I've already got that part covered, I think, so I'd test out and go straight into Mellowing the Hell Out class.

So I'm trying to mellow while everyone else enjoys their 4-day weekend. I knew the bad timing of the school holidays would suck, but I didn't think it would be this bad. I've got some good music going, talking to my more reassuring friends, about to go play my new addiction (Unreal Tournament 2003, it's greatness), and probably going to bed early tonight.

I hope I wake up happy in the morning. I guess that'll happen if I'm able to fall asleep tonight.