
another ridiculously long survey, courtesy syed:
Name � blake
Nicknames � answered this already
School � oakridge
Hair color � blonde
Eyes � blue/green
Height � 6'0
Siblings � answered this as well
Pets � one psychotic dog
Hobbies � gaming, music
Can you sing? - i've been called 'mini-brandon boyd'
How many cassette tapes do you own? about 100 practice tapes for choir junk, thrown
away 98
How many cd's do you own? � a very large handful
How many mp3s do you own? � close to 2,300
What colour are your shoes? � blue!
Describe your bedroom � BEDroom - 4 walls and a comfy bed. gameroom - a nice
desk + computer, a tv/playstation, and a couch.
Would you ever shave someone else's head? � i dont think i'm evil enough.
Are you a vegetarian? � hell no
How about an aspiring actor/actress? � nah
What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance? �
ben franklin - i want to become a renaissance man
What movies do you have almost all the lines memorized to? � holy grail,
both austin powers movies, ace ventura
Who Named You? � mom
What is right next to you? � my couch!
What Is Your Computer Desk Made Of? � cherry wood, i think
What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your home phone number? that shit isn't going on
the internet thx
Who Do You Wanna Spend The Rest Of Your Life With?- haven't met her yet
How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? - 37
How's The Weather Right Now - warm, but nice
Scariest Movies � havent seen many horror movies
Are You Too Shy To Ask A Boy/Girl Out? nah
If You Could Change Your Name, what would It Be? no clue
What will Your First Son's Name Be? � dunno yet, but blake may be a middle
What will your first daughter's name be? � cassandra
Dysfunctional family? � only slightly
Are you are virgin? � yes and not bothered by it
What posters do you have in your room? � avalanches, quake3
Are You Happy? yes.
Are You Talking to someone? yes.
What time do you wake up in the mornings? 7am.
What do you have for breakfast? those little hungry jack biscuits and bacon
What would you hate to be left in a room with? a whole lot of water.
Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no sir
Who inspires you? idealism, humanism
What characteristics do you despise? � ignorance of consequence
If you had a big win on the lottery, how long would you leave it before telling
people? until i made it to my new hawaiian home.
What colour is your bathroom? an indescribable color.
How many keys on your keyring? 2
Where would you retire to? tropical island with a silent breeze syed
Can you juggle? yes!
What are your pet hates? didnt we ask this already?
What makes you happy? � anything
What makes you sad? � loneliness
What was your highest GCSE grade? � english as a second language, senor?
And your lowest? � see above
What song are you listening to right now? see 'spinning' up top
Do you have a livejournal? � fuck that noise, i wrote my own and can give
out as many f'n codes as i want.
If you were an ancient greek god(dess) what would you be god of? athena, goddess
of knowledge
If you were a piece of cutlery what would you be? a steak knife - i'm long, and
i'm strong, and i get the friction on


Deodorant � mitchum! it's an odd name, but smells like cologne
Shampoo � neutrogena
Soap � irish spring
Colors � blue
Radio station � radio is awful
Kind of music � been thru this already
Cartoon Character � mario
Sex or Shopping? � what the male wants, or what the female wants, that
is the question; whether 'tis nobler in the mind....
Colour of post-it note? � yellow, wt?
Colour of Lightsabre? � blue.
Song � tosca - suzuki
Food � spicy pasta
Drink � bawls
Candy? � starbursts
Lust Or Love? � love, lust is a bonus
Flavour of tic-tac? � orange!
Scary Or funny Movies? � scary movies are often funnier
Talking To People On The phone or in person? � in person
Favorite language you can't speak? � japanese
Gold or Silver? � silver, it's more down-to-earth
TV show? � south park will never be defeated
Beach or City? � for day-to-day life? city.
Summer or Winter? � summer.
Ice cream? � chocolate with sprinkles/m&m's
Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn? � butter + salt = heart attack
Car? � the most comfortable car ever
Sandwich filling? � ham. just ham.
Flower? � dont have one
Fizzy or still water as a drink? � still
Day of the week? � saturday
Red or white wine? � never had white.
What is your anthem? � incubus - warning
Best song to make out to? � dj cam - you do something to me
And best song to cry to? � david gray - say hello wave goodbye
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? - LoTR > HP
----------------------DO YOU BELIEVE...----------------------

in God � no
in Loving someone? � absolutely
in Heaven/Hell � no
in life on other planets? � no
in miracles? � no
in fate? � yes - it's explained by genetics and socioeconomic circumstances
it's possible to remain faithful forever? � yes
in astrology? � no, the zodiac calendar is so off-track that we're actually
all different signs
in magic? � only in one way..

----------------------FRIENDS AND CRUSHES----------------------

Do you have a bf/gf � no
Love anyone � romantically? no.
Who's your loudest friend � ashlye Who is the smartest � teh syed
Who Do You Go to For Advice � the emily's
Who Do You Cry with � nobody
Do you have a secret crush? � yes.
Do they know yet? � that wouldn't be a secret.
Do you remember your first love? � first love? no. first serious crush?
Still love him/her? � no.
Do you have any gay or lesbian friends? � yes
Do you have a best friend? � indeed.
Who do you miss most? � one of two emily's
----------------------DO YOU....----------------------

Smoke? � no, but i'm used to the smell by now
Do drugs? � no
Have sex? � recklessly? no
Sleep with stuffed animals? - quit at an early age
Live in the moment? � often.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? � no
Play an instrument? � i suppose guitar counts
Read the newspaper? � evening reading @ the shack counts as my current
Go to church? � only to pick up chicks.
Do well in school? � yes.
Go to or plan to go to college? � counting the days..
Wear hats? � no, all too small for my oversized head
Have any piercings? � do i look like swiss cheese to you?
Have any tattoos? � hell no
Hate yourself? � very, very rarely
Have an obsession? � yes.
Collect anything? � dust - my stuff is alarmingly dusty
Wish on stars? � no.
Like your handwriting? � yeah, ugly as it is.
Care about looks? � yes, but i'm fairly liberal with my judgment of looks.
Eat Oreos � not if i can help it.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? � yes
Consider love a mistake? � absolutely not
Carry a donor card? � no, i should.

----------------------LAST THINGS YOU DID----------------------

Last book you read � 'trigger happy' - a gaming history book that *sucked*
Last movie you saw � mallrats for the 2nd time.
Last song you heard � we - if/they/see
Last thing you had to drink � dp
Last thing you ate - pasta!
What was the last film you saw in the cinema? � star wars epi 2
What did you do for your last birthday? � dinner @ on the border + movie,
i think

----------------------HAVE YOU EVER...----------------------

Been Mean? � shit yeah
Been sarcastic? � the very words i live by
Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On � sure.
Missed Someone � yes.
Fought with your parents � yes, mom objects to me having any sort of contact
with females.
Wished Upon A Star � still haven't.
Laughed Until You Cried � no, laughed until pain tho
Watched A Sunrise/Sunset � yes.
Went To The Beach At Night � yeah, but wasn't as mind-clearing as it could
have been
Tried to analyze your own dreams? � tried it, and it's stupid
Lied to get off the phone? � yes.
Written a survey? � dumbest question EVAR
Written a song? � written lyrics, written music, never have put 2 and 2
Written a poem? � yes
Bought a cd for just one song? � yeah, blur's s/t album
Been in an airplane? � yes, i'm wondering if i ever will again
If so where were you flying to? � seattle, vegas, hawaii, florida, alabama,
Been So Drunk You Black Out � i pray to god i dont.
Missed School Because It Was Raining � yeah, couple days in a row
Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement � that would be classified as 'redneck
Kept A Secret From Everyone � yes, i think i'm the only one in my school
who knows how to
Had An Imaginary Friend? � no
Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend � shit yeah.
Cried During A Flick � come damn close.
Liked A Teacher � yeah, mrs. beck.
Thought An Animated character was real? � *thought* so? no.
Prank Called Someone � no, but had many many plans to
Done Pot � no, don't like losing control
Had a hickie � only as the result of a tragic arm-biting incident when
i was young.

----------------------TODAY HAVE YOU....----------------------

Smiled? � yes.
Laughed? � yeah, grand theft auto 3 never ceases to amuse
Cried? � nah
Bought something? � lunch.
Danced? � no, had to unhook DDR today. i think i'll go do that now.
Been sarcastic? � yeah.
Talked to an ex? � today? no.
Watched your favorite movie? � nah, i try to rarely watch those to make
sure they stay favorites.