
//On You...
Name: blake
Nick Name(s): blakey, snaggah, dreamboat
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue/green
Any Siblings?: 1 half-brother
Do they look like you? a little
Righty or lefty: southpaw
Hobbies: videogames, singing
How do you describe yourself: calm + collected, smart, funny + sweet in some cases
What is your sign: sagittarius
//On Friends...
Friend(s) that looks most like you: can't think of any.
Friend(s) you go to for advice: all 3 emily's
Friend(s) you have most fun with: the lamarites, choir ppl
Friend(s) you can do nothing with, but still have fun: emily + potheads
Friend(s) you have dreamt about: genny, claire
Friend(s) you tell your dreams to: ppl i see every day: emily, ash, aroon, alex,
Friend(s) you tell your secrets to: nobody, hence 'secret'
//On Guys...
i refuse to answer these as i'm only 10% gay
//On Girls...
Boy Shorts or Bikini Underwear: bikini
Painted or Natural Nails: painted, color never hurt anyone
Bra or Sports Bra: bra, sports bras just look goofy
Sort of Dressy or Casual: a little dressy
Ears Pierced or Not: yeah, but no other piercings (exception: belly button)
Dark or Blonde Hair: light brown
Short or Long Hair: short's cuter, long is better for cuddly circumstances tho
Dark Eyes or Light: dark
Hat or No Hat: no hat.
Good Girl or Bad Girl: good girl.
Hair Up or Down: down!
Jewelry or None: yes.
Tall or Short: short!
Curly or Straight Hair: straight.
Skirt or Dress: dress, unless she wants to show off some exceptional legs
Tan or Fair: fair, tan is too fake
Freckles or None: none.
Pretty Indoors Chick or Sporty Chick: indoorsy, that makes it all the more comical
when you go outside to play
//On Preferences...
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate
McDonald's or Burger King: bk, cause mcd's is trash
Would You Rather Marry A Perfect Lover, or Perfect Friend: friend - perfect
lovers are too likely to perfectly love others
Sweet or sour: sweet
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: dr.
Tea or Coffee: coffee, but only things like frappuccino's.
Sappy/Action/Comedy/Horror: comedy, but only really funny stuff ie south park
Cats or Dogs: i'm quite tired of pets, but i respect the dog i have.
Ocean or Pool: ocean if the water's not cold
Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese: nacho!
Mud or Jell-O Wrestling: jello, getting mud in the mouth isnt tasty
With or without Ice Cubes: without
Milk/Dark/White Chocolate: milk, it's the middle of the road in terms of the
sweet factor
Shine or Rain: shine
Top or Bottom: bottom :)
Winter/Fall/Spring/Summer: fall
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate.
Skiing or Boarding: boarding - it may be harder, but the youthfulness is where
it counts
Biking or Blading: walking.
Cake or Cookies: white cake with chocolate frosting.
Cereal or Toast: cocoa puffs and/or cinnamon toast crunch, no milk.
Rock/Ska/Punk/Rap/R&B/Alternative/Techno/Country/Swing: techno/triphop/lounge
Night or Day: night - go driving with the windows down after 1am. the quiet
is beautiful.
Gloves or mittens: mittens
Dressed or Undressed: dressed, but lazily so.
Eyes Open or Closed: closed
Bunk Bed or Waterbed: neither of the two.. i want my comfy queen-size bed at
all times.
Chewing Gum or Hard Candy: blue sweet tarts / cherry jolly ranchers / cherry
hard starbursts
Motor Boat or Sail Boat: *throws up over the side*
Lights On/Lights Off/Black Lights: mood lights.
//On the future...
What's your house going to look like?: a beautiful modern house on the water.
Where are you going to live: i'll spend some time up north and move back down
when i realize i hate it. someplace where it snows only on christmas and the
rest of the time it's hot.
How many kids: one, *possibly* two
Names: amanda (coincidence with syed's choice), cassandra
Animals: as if a daughter isn't enough!
What are you going to do: i'm going to be famous in the world of videogames.
//On relationships...
What does your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend look like?: see above physical characteristics.
How do they act?: happy, loving of companionship, enjoying a quiet night at
home as the best way of being together
Where is your dream date: the beaches of hawaii.
Do you like to call or be called?: call, leave a message, wait for call back
Make A Move or Wait: make the move. trying not to tho.
Make plans or go along with them: make plans - that is, revise aroon's crazy-ass
ideas or come up with things to appease soph
What's' the first thing you notice about guys/girls: face/smile
Ever been in love: no.
//On What Ifs...
If you could move anywhere where would it be: bay area - nice weather all year
Dye your hair one color what would it be: slightly lighter blonde
Have a tattoo anywhere where and what would it be: no.
Turn into any animal what would it be: a koala bear
Streak in front of anyones house whose would it be: emily - she's walk outside
and her clothes would suddenly fall off as they often do
Meet one person who would it be: brandon boyd - and thank him for the wonderful
musical influence he is on me
Live with one person the rest of your life who would it be: i haven't met her
Could punish anyone for doing something what would it be: possessing the kind
of stupidity that comes from ignorance
Name one thing you are afraid of: rejection
You're embarrassed about: my childhood
Wish you had done, but didn't: hidden those girls in my hotel room sophmore
year better.
Wish you hadn't done but did: refuse to admit that emily (NY) was taken
Really want to do: play videogames for a living
You're Going to do today: - improve snagger.org - wish doom3 came out - go out
with the amigos to shopping - hang with sophia - play RTCW - read Evening Reading
Do yesterday: sundays.... nothing at all and hated every minute of it.
That turns you off: high school girls who get drunk
What's the first thing you do when you get up: put on chap stick
Go to school: talk to people - no longer the seniors who i enjoyed seeing every
Get home from school: check my email
//On Yays or Nays...
Female President: yay, but women in politics scare me
Roller Coaster: nay
Thunderstorms: nay
Food In Bed: nay, yay on couch
High Heels: nay, shorter is better
Mexican Food: yay
Bill Clinton: yay, best president we'd had in decades
Insects: nay, they annoy me
Little Kids: yay, but only the ones who aren't evil little shits
//On Habits...
Do you bite your finger nails: yes = Toenails: ya = Twirl your hair: yeah, it's getting long
Relay commercials: no, commercials are one of those 'you have to be there' kinda
Impersonate: yes!
Chew gum obnoxiously: no, gum sucks anyway.. why the hell would you continue
chewing something that's lost its flavor?
Play with it: the gum? no, duh.
Cheat on tests or homework: they say giving your help to others is cheating,
so yes
Drink/smoke: unopposed to drinking in moderation, but dont very often anyway.
i'm tolerant of smokers, but dont.
Shower: yessir.
Make your bed: havent done so since dad moved out
Clean your room: once a year or so, it throws off my organizational skill
Take a bath: i dont have a bathtub anymore, but i'd enjoy the occasional bath.
Go to the bathroom: why would they even ask this?
Talk/walk in your sleep: no, i walked when i was little
Give hugs: not often enough
Tell people you love them: not enough
Play with your animals: yes.
Change your underwear: yeah.
What/Who are you?: the way between the two extremes
In love with: nobody at the moment.
Mad or frustrated with: ericlee <--how can i argue with that?
//On what is...
Under your bed: nothing, no room to squeeze stuff in there
On your nails: teeth = On your feet: the other foot
On your walls: couple of game posters, soon to be an avalanches poster
On your mouse pad: alienware logo and a $60 microsoft mouse
On your bed: *very* comfy blue sheets and 2 pillows
On your ceiling: nothing
In your closet: clothes, electric guitar, tennis racket
Any Last Words: don't ever let life pass you by