
so i talked to the boss today, aka eric's dad. apparently they're glad i'm coming aboard since starbucks hired them to make some online games that simultaneously educate their employees about their retirements - while they waste them away playing ripoffs of pong or pacman, thanks to me.

done with school, just a measly half-day and finals left. today was awards ceremony, which is some of the best fun i've had in school all year long. the cheering and hollering for syed's record-breaking 8 awards was absolutely hilarious. i may have only gone up there amidst the applause and occasional 'woo!' twice, but i felt honored to be sitting between syed, philip, and joanne. and i still do feel honored to be considered their contemporary. at times it feels surreal to be me; people go on and on that i'm smart, this and that, but i still can't seem to understand what life would be like if my brain were any different.

"so," a mysterious voice begins, "take what you have and be happy."

"i am," i say back, every time.

and yet, reality never seems to take hold. but there i sit, among syed and philip and joanne. i tell the truth when i say to myself that i'm happy with my position, i just don't understand why.
in honor of all the kids who thought this was funny, i give you, the return of the illiterate bear:

[image on old website]