
someone, please, please put me:
a) out of my misery
b) in college.

immaturity runs rampant, and every single person under the age of 19 is terminal with this terrible, terrible condition.

once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy, who walked into their backyard and discovered a very large forest. immediately, the girl jumped up and screamed, ""hey! there's a giant tree in the middle of that forest!""
and indeed there was. the boy stood impressed, but wanted to explore the entire forest for its worth. the girl, however, dragged the boy straight to the center of the forest, searching frantically, stomping on the tiny, fragrant flowers until she found the giant tree. a giant it was, but that was only part of the forest.
""so why are we here?"" the boy asked.
""because it's the big one!"" she replied.
for the rest of that afternoon, the boy tried to leave the tree to go explore the rest of the forest, but the girl wouldn't let him. instead, she pulled him back to the big tree by the tail of his shirt. meanwhile, in the distance, the boy spotted a portion of nature painted as if by a renaissance master.
""you idiot,"" he thought to himself. ""you're only seeing the forest for the giant tree.""