
You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

omg, the best quiz evar. take it when? NOW@!

in other news, much love to apex games. go there if you need to buy/rent/sell games or rent a good dvd for the evening. mucho inexpensive, positively elite for a console store, and the people who work the place are just plain swank. i myself just added to my ps2 collection thanks to them. yes, i buy games when they're not terribly expensive. if they sold music i'd probably buy that too. for those involved in the shindig on two weeks from friday at alex's (if you don't know, you're not invited): i'll be renting virtua fighter 4 for us to partake. and yes, there will be pikmin playing, provided pablo didn't delete my savegame. heh.

arr matey: [image from old website]