A letter from Tokyo

Things in Japan are expensive, and Internet access is no exception. So instead, I'll post the lengthiest thing I've written so far - an email to the girl.

ok! i started running around and found myself in ueno. here we are at an internet cafe so i can take a breather and email everybody, especially you!

i have bad news though. :(

mashimaro didn't survive the flight. see, that 6 hours of delays made us get on and off the plane 3 times, and he was lost somewhere in that mix. i'm searching for a new mashi, but i dunno. :( i'm really sorry i lost him.

if it makes you feel any better, i went on a shopping rampage once i landed in ueno. i walked through a mall and realized just HOW out of style i looked here, so i went through 8 floors of mall and found the cheapest store of them all - gap. got a pair of supa-fly jeans on sale for 20 bucks. i'm starting to wear them tomorrow, along with my nicer shoes, and my jacket, and my scarf. it's like part of the uniform here.

i mentioned all that to tell you that i picked you up a present to make up for the loss of mashi. there's likely more presents to come, and hopefully another mashi, but this one was a penance thing.

so far the really fun part is interacting with people. my japanese is getting me by surprisingly well, simplistic though it is. on the plane i made some friends. first off, eileen from JA was on my flight, so she was there. then there was a japanese girl named junko, who was studying at CU Boulder, who just became the president of their JSA. the three of us had a free lunch together when our flights got delayed. then we also made friends with a navy guy named chuck, who helped me get into a hotel and gave me a handful of pointers.

and that's about everything so far! hope HK's beginning to go well and that you're all getting by in some language or another.

the really stupid boy who lost mashimaro
