A rant post

So it's 1:00 AM (or 2, if you've already set your clock forward), I've thrown back a couple, and there's been a lack of real-world content for my site lately. This was most notoriously brought to my attention by an email from my dear friend Monica, (write me back woman!) who noted that I needed some more rant action. So here's my 3-and-a-half-shots unhibited version of my thoughts on some recent issues:

Terry Schiavo: Nobody should have ever known about this. The media didn't need to get involved and *certainly* the Republicans never should have had a part in it. It's sad when they're reaching so desperately for a distraction for the masses and this is what they come up with. Like Kenny's living will stated, "If ever I should be found in a vegetative state, please, for the love of God, don't show me in that state on network television."

Pope John Paul II dies: This is a tough one. You'll see obituaries for the next two weeks saying that he was a valiant Pope who had the "energy of a youth" even in his old age, given by his long battle with Parkinson's and his ability to survive two gunshots only to forgive his assailant. You'll also see that he spread the Catholic message to an unprecedented number of people with his insane amounts of travel even in the face of health risks. What you may or may not see (depending on the source) was his stubbornness of his own positions in a changing world: to his dying breath he disapproved of homosexuality, abortion, and other such evils that the Right loves to call wrong. Agree or disagree with his stance, he certainly did a fine job of fulfilling the tasks that the position of Pope calls for, and a fine job of leading the Catholics (whose positions you may agree or disagree with.) I personally strongly disagree with Catholicism and virtually everything it stands for, but this Pope was a hell of a Pope and chances are we won't see this transition to a new Pope again during our lifetimes (assuming they choose a young guy).

Me under the influence: I don't even attempt to drive, but I really don't have any problems typing. Funny that.