A Small Thought on Children

I want to have kids eventually. No more than 2.

I always thought I wanted a daughter. Back when I wrote down my thoughts on it for the first time, it just seemed to appeal to me - and I guessed at the time it was due to the lack of estrogen I'd experienced in my life. My mom's not very girly, I'm typically single, etc. I even thought the name Cassandra sounded really cool.

Now that I've been there and back again, I've observed what estrogen can do to a man (I suspect it was the poison used on Victor Yuschenko in Ukraine that made him age 20 years in 6 months) and I must now correct the error in my ways.

Gimme a boy. A dude in training who I can give the lessons to, whose room I can go into, and who I might even be able to pass on the love for cars and video games to.