A stupid LJ-style post

I'm still meeting new people left and right. This whole living in the honors quad thing is really, really damn cool.

Today was my first P2 activity - the first Voltaire's Coffee at Professor Woodruff's house, just a few minutes down 15th. 35 P2-ites crammed into his living room and talked about Long Day's Journey Into Night for three hours straight. After that, the P2SA pimps were nicer than I ever could have imagined. One of the Co-Prezes, Tricia, was there with her boyfriend Daniel and one of the officers, Melisa. So Tricia was nice enough to ride with me while I followed Daniel, driving Tricia's car, to the C lot so I could park over there. From there, the plan was to give Melisa and me rides back to our dorms, but instead I was invited to eat with them at Katz's - a popular deli on Upper 6th. I got along with those three really well - and they seemed to take a real liking to me and my somewhat bizarre opinions - and it was a feeling I hadn't had since I was adopted by Adam Odeh and Lucy Gloyna in my freshman year of high school. Hell, Daniel and Tricia even kind of resembled Adam and Lucy. So after getting back to the dorm at midnight, I spent some time outside, got bored, and came home to finally catch up on the John Mayer Road Journal (it's the closest I can get to taking daily lessons from the man) and get even more psyched for Heavier Things to come out - it'll be a whole new bunch of music to learn! yay!

Lots upon lots of girls here. But Josh hit the nail on the head when he said "competition is fierce." Girls I meet and get along with are getting chased around by weirdo guys the next time I see them less than 24 hours later. I started out doing the same thing just to keep up with the pack, and then I realized it's fucking retarded to follow a girl's every footstep. Give them some fucking breathing space, idiot dorm residents. But on the brighter side, I got a call from a friend from orientation who I'm getting along with pretty well. I spent a pretty big chunk of the afternoon with her and she's freaking sexy - not in the Marilyn Monroe sense but more like she's a great companion. I hope that pans out.

Choir auditions tomorrow. I'm really psyched to get musical again. Oh, look, it's Thomas paying the old DT a visit:

indigoreeds: pfft, spoony choirboy
snagger64: only straight guy in a room full of hot girls turned on by musicians, and you've got what going for you again?

Please drive through sir.