Addressing the Greek Problem

So Erin wrote this and I think it should be quoted here:

I am personally damned excited about rushing and I'd rather not hear anymore crap from anyone about how stereotypical, lame, loose-moraled, stupid, conforming, and horrible it is to want to go greek. I'm not even directing this at anyone in particular, because I've gotten that crap from just about everyone recently. I'd just like to point out that I would never trash anything anyone else wanted to do. I have pretty rock-hard beliefs in just about anything and if you'd care to discuss it, I'm more than willing. *end rant*.

I'm not stirring up controversy on this one, I'm just trying to get everyone to a friendly conclusion. Yes, I'm naturally averse to greeks. Yes, it's because of the exact stereotype that Erin just described. Like any stereotype, this one has its exceptions and those people know who they are. I think it boils down to an issue of trust: I can't rely on the stereotypical lame loose-moraled stupid conformists. Nor do I find them interesting. So, dear Erin, have fun. I probably won't like the vast majority of your housemates but I still like ya, chica.