And here's what I've done with my time

I've been doing a lot of gaming, finally. Since I reinstalled HL2 to try out some mods, for the game, I did a lot of stuff on Steam that I've missed out on in the last 6 months. Here are my verdicts from the Xmas break:

Call of Duty 2: If you played CoD1, skip this one, it's the exact same game minus the magic and passion that made it special. If you didn't play CoD1, skip this game and go back and play it instead. It's better.

Rag Doll Kung Fu: Forget the buzz. This game is a decent idea, horribly executed. Yay for the humor that rips off old kung fu movies, yay for the innovative graphics and supposedly frantic combat. Boo for the horrible control scheme that runs it all. Simplify this game and release it on the Nintendo DS and then we'll talk.

HL2: Lost Coast: Want to play a short bonus level for HL2? Pick this up. It's just as good as the original.

Guitar Hero: My hands are about to fall off because I've been rocking out so damn much. It's great.

Darwinia: 1 part RTS, 1 part crazy, imaginative game that takes place in cyberspace. Love it. Oh, and don't be fooled by the screenshots: while this game is far from gorgeous, it has some really cool visuals, and it makes a lot more sense in motion.

But the game I really like is...

Dystopia: It's a HL2 mod inspired by Deus Ex and objective-based multiplayer games such as Wolfenstein/Enemy Territory and Unreal Tournament's Assault mode. It's got teamplay, it's got futuristic weapons, it's got bio-enhancements (that are amazingly well-balanced), it's got a class system (mostly well-balanced), and on top of all that there's a parallel "cyberspace" map inside every map in the game where there are battles in cyberspace that affect what goes on in the real world. If you have HL2, this is a must-download, and I'd be very interested in organizing a game if anyone's down for playing.