Archives are expanded!

After about three hours of painful labor, all the posts from my little self-run have been moved over to Blogger, with their dates kept true to their original entries. Times were ignored [that'd be way too much work], but posts from the same day are still in chronological order. The new posts expand from 02/2002 to 12/2002, which covers the last half of my junior year in high school, the first half of my senior year, and the summer between. So, archive crawlers, enjoy that stuff, some of it's pretty interesting.

Oh, and since it's the new year, I'd like to take this opportunity to say:


to you, the wonderful reader. I know who most of you are, some of you are people I know and love and still read without my knowledge, but all of you (except the odd bored surfer) are near and dear to my heart. But it really does make me warm and fuzzy to hear occasional things brought up about what you kids see on this here place. Here's to two and a half more years on the blog.