Back in Austin

So, yes.. it's 1:30AM and I'm very tired and I really don't feel eloquent at the moment. But I am back here, and wasting tons of time, and thoroughly enjoying it before class starts. Here's the spring schedule rundown:

-World Lit (second semester)
-History 315K (1st semester American, I took them in reverse order)
-Spanish 312L (4th semester)
-Math 310 (Plan II math, non-major advanced topics)
-Music 307, Jazz Appreciation

Here's what I've been studying in preparation for this:
-Family Guy
-Family Guy
-Family Guy
-Family Guy
-Family Guy

It's definitely good to be back; I spent the last few days re-uniting with various friends and it's been a very happy experience. Taking care of defensive driving, however, has *not* been a very happy experience.
