Back in business, still broke like a chump

So my car thing is temporarily resolved. I'll be without my beloved Camry of Serious Hardcore Action for roughly three weeks, but in the meantime I've got a brand spankin' new Altima that's really a pretty nice car. It's virtually the same car as the Camry, but the stereo sounds a little better, has much better braking ability, and it has steering wheel audio controls, which I've always thought are hellacool. So, I can at least leave my house and go see my friends. And it's better than driving a rented Taurus around until mid-July, which I assumed was going to be the case.

But, I'm still quite out of money. So no going to the movies or buying male hookers for Soph or any of that fun stuff until I pay off my debt and accumulate some real money after that.

All in all, though, life is pretty good being poor. It's fun to stay at home every now and again, and getting things like new games and music for free is always a huge help.

I think I'm going to move my computer over by my TV so I can play from my couch.