Best weekend evar

What a truly wonderful weekend.

Friday: We all started off doing *nothing*. The whole snow thing was pretty cool; see the post underneath this one.

Saturday: Valentine's Day! Or as many call it, Singles Awareness Day. Or as Soph called it, "I'm going to be emo for a week so bug off" Day. I actually got a present from someone who wasn't my mom, which made me freak the hell out because I didn't understand the concept of friendly presents. Hi, I'm an idiot. I wound up at a party at the House of Guys (defined: the house where a handful of Plan2 upperclassmen guys live, frequent parties there) and mellowed out. No, I mean, I really mellowed out. But I definitely slept like a baby that night...

Sunday: ...and forced myself out of bed at 11AM. At noon, I was in North Austin at the Texas Gaming Festival's last day. Everything I wanted to do there went off without a hitch. I saw some of the old-school gamers there getting their Halo on, I met with the head of the TGA and am working my way onto their staff, and I entered the Mario Kart tournament.

Things just went right for me at that tournament for the whole afternoon. Nobody scared me as I flew through the first two rounds finishing first place in two grand prix's. That put me in the top 8 of 16 original entrants. One more round and I'd be in the money. Star cup, no trouble, first and second place finishes in every race put me on top. So now I was in the money. At best, $250, at worst $50. I paid $10 to get in so I was damn happy about it deep down but I really was focused on pushing for as much money as I could get. The final was 4 players on Special Cup (BTW: the rules were VS on lan, so you get random characters and no CPUs). First two races were tight as could be. I lucked out and won both. Everyone was still even for the most part, but then on Bowser's Castle I took two spiny shells in front of the finish line and went from 1st to 4th in about 3 seconds. So now the scores were 8-8-5-3 with me being one of the 8's (custom scoring, 5-3-1-0 instead of the grand prix scoring).

Rainbow Road? Not even a problem. Second lap I just took the hell off and nobody bothered me again, and the tournament was mine.

So, yours truly came home with an astonishing $250 in money for one afternoon tournament. That's the most I've ever won in a day, and it's exciting as hell. I think MKDD just might be my new game.

Happy Monday, boys and girls.