Blakerson + sports = happy

I never thought I'd say this at a school where I can easily avoid the sports-fanatic type, but wow. Sports are cool.

I just finished the season of intramural soccer tonight and I felt great after every game I played. Now that that's done, a bunch of guys in my quad have started playing touch football late at night outside. We get noise complaints, and there are a few great plays in every game, and it's an awesome time. It's so damn cool being quasi-athletic.

TV gatherings in my room are also awesome. They happen habitually twice a week, once for JBPH and again for South Park.

Guitar's still going well. I've found that Daughters is a rather easy song, so I'm picking that up along with a handful of other John Mayer songs. That's got my hands full for the forseeable future.

Then again, I also need to actually finish Max Payne 2 and start on Call of Duty.

And WTF happened to Phil. I swear that there is a God, because there's no other explanation besides his shittty luck besides the idea that the fella upstairs utterly hates him. First, a college student on scholarship working the graveyard shift at a convenience store is bad enough. Then he suffers a pain in his side and is taken to the doctor, only to be told that he's got a *load* of water in his spleen. Then they decide that his spleen hasn't been functional for most of his life, and the extra stuff isn't actually water but a second spleen ("Yeah, it's a set of tissues that are mimicking the spleen's functions," he explains) which is getting removed in the morning. So he's back in Dallas, having that done, and he's out of school for the rest of the semester. They're letting him off with dropping a calculus class and continuing the rest of his stuff normally.

The man just has god-forsaken awful luck.

And I've had some other smaller thoughts about my whole life direction thing. Andie, the new link over there, seems to have arrived at a great idea: start an intelligent version of Seventeen. She's perfect for the job, really. My latest thought has me coming back to video games, because they really seem to be my talent in life. (Not talent in that I'm God's gift to professional gaming, but rather a more analytical kind of talent.) What else is cool is that the academic world of gaming is growing - trade schools like Digipen have been up and running for a decade but true academic work is being put into it, mostly as offshoots of film departments and taught in the style of something like a combined film/literature course. SMU, for example, has just opened a game design school called the Guildhall, and it's run and taught by some of Dallas's best talent in game design (for no particular reason, Dallas came to be the capitol of PC game design, particularly shooters, in the 90s). I think I could stand to teach gaming. Grading papers would really suck, but hey, lectures would be awesome because I could just sit there and spout out all my theories of what makes great games. And those are the kinds of things I really think about when I'm in the shower and laying in bed at night.

I can't wait to play football tomorrow.