Boredom at work

So I'll steal a survey from a friend of a friend. She doesn't know I exist, which makes it all that much cooler.

01. Kissed your cousin: Nope. If I had a hot one I might though.
02. Ran away: No, they end up coming home anyway
03. Pictured your crush naked: Oh Lord yes.
04. Actually seen your crush naked: Sure.
05. Broken someone's heart: Yeah, wish I hadn't.
06. Been in love: Without a doubt.
07. Cried when someone died: Once, very long ago..
08. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yeah, but thinking about Michelle still makes me happy.
09. Broken a bone: I broke my toe once..
10. Drank alcohol: Yeah, talk about overrated shite..
11. Lied: no (as Blake tells yet another lie)
12. Cried in school: Negative.


13. Coke or Pepsi: They're both really kinda 'meh'
14. Sprite or 7UP: 7up.
15. Girls or Guys: Gotta represent the fellas.
16. Flowers or candy: Girl question?
17. Scruff or Clean shaven: I know I'm cuter clean shaven, but GOD do I dislike shaving..
18. Quiet or Loud: How about we start quiet and move up to loud? :D
19. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes are so much more sophisticated.
20. Bitchy or Slutty: Christ.. dealing with neither one is fun. Slutty, they're easier to keep at a distance.
21. Tall or Short: We need some short chicas up in herrre.
22. Pants or Shorts: Shorts, but long comfy ones.


23. What do you notice first: The usual cliche'd smile/eyes crap.
24. Last person you slow danced with: I can't remember. Were there slow dances at prom?
25. Worst Question To Ask: Anything that starts with "Can I ask you a serious question?" - that's the signal for "I'm psychotic" - if you've got a serious question, just ask it, woman!


26. Showered: last night - how can you people go to bed without showering?!
27. Had Sex: Let's just say last night, and chances are good your mother was involved. "But blake, my mother's dead!" Well, it made things much easier on my part.
28. Had a great time with the opposite sex: Probably some late night watching stand-up with Soph.
29. Your Good Luck Charm: The Chap Stick, baby.
30. Person You Hate Most: Funny how everyone knows the answer to the question except for the person who is the answer.
31. The Best Thing That Has Happened To You: I drove home from Austin and it finally hit me that my own future is in my hands, and my hands only, and I started to become happy about that future. Oh, and that whole thing where a boy and a girl really like each other, that's kinda cool too.


32. Color: broo.
33. Movie: See the right.
34. Subject in school: Anything, its all about the teacher.
35. Juices: Twister all the motherfucking way.
36. Cars: For a daily driver, a 330Ci. On the track, a supercharged Miata. For a very nice compromise, a 350Z.
37. Ice Cream: Chocolate! The richer the better.
39. Season: Anything except spring, which sucks.
40. Breakfast Food: pancakes

43. Makes you laugh the Most: South Park. There's just no comparison.
44. Makes you smile: A girl who can smile back.
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: A really well-written song.


46. who Has had A Crush On You: I'd be curious to know..
47. have you ever had a Crush On Someone: Me? That's crazy talk.
49. Has it easier guys or girls: "I can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die" - Mr. Garrison
50. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: An ex, that's for sure. You don't even have to see them - just hearing them mentioned is enough.


50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: Yeah. I try to find something to take my mind away, like Nintendo, but I still end up sitting by the phone.
51. Save AOL conversations: Every convo I have is automatically logged.
52. Save Emails: Not really.
53. Wish you were someone else: I'll joke about it, but I already started this life, why would I want to switch before the good part comes? 54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: for one day

56. Cologne: Nautica, I love this stuff.
57. Perfume: Dunno.
58. Kiss: A close call between Abby and Stephanie..
59. Romantic memory: Staying in her doorway for what feels like hours because you just don't want to leave
60. Most recent advice given to you: Don't major in Journalism - you can still go to grad school.


61. Fallen for your best friend?: That's how I get by.
62. Made out with just a friend?: Yeah, and it's fun as hell.
63. Been Rejected?: Of course
64. Been in love?: See above.
65. Been in lust?: 5 days a week.
66. Used someone?: Only in a mutual-usage agreement
67. Been used: See above
68. Cheated on someone?: Absolutely not.
69. Been cheated on?: Absolutely.
70. Been kissed?: Isn't this the same quiz that asks if you've had sex and with your cousin/child/best friend? Isn't it a given that you've at least kissed?
71. Done something you regret?: Sure.


72. You touched?: Physically? Mom. Last one who counts? Erm, Soph?
73. You talked to?: Multitasking several people right now.
74. You hugged?: Mommy.
75. You instant messaged?: See above.
76. You kissed?: Samantha, and that'll be the last time that happens
77. You had sex with?: Did I mention I found someone with the nickname "muppetfucker"? Isn't that cool?
78. You yelled at?: Alan, that stupid haxing sophomore. He picked up his shit and left *real* fast, but not out of intimidation. I tried to hump his ear.
79. You laughed with?: Everyone who saw those little dustballs in Spirited Away.
80. Who broke your heart?: not naming any names. They know who they are. 81. Who told you they loved you?: My pathetic father. Last one who counts? Claire.


82. Color your hair?: Why, yes.
83. Have tattoos?: nein.
84. Have piercings?: nein.
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: I have a both. No, I'm appreciating being single.
86. Own a webcam?: negative.
87. Own a thong?: yeah . . . don't got much of anything else. 88. Ever get off the damn computer?: Only when I physically can't use it.
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Nein.
90. Habla espanol?: Si, senor!
91. Quack?: ...And the loveli telephone system...