Diet Update: Super Ultra Turbo Challenge Edition

Aroon has dropped in and offered his two cents on my diet experiment. He's modest, but he hit the nail on the head: he gave me the idea to start this challenge, mostly after I observed how easy it was for him to get by this way in SF.

Another present from Aroon way back in the day has stuck with me: a TED lecture from Mark Bittman, the NYTimes' food critic. Basically, our food commerce is completely unsustainable and responsible for our health care expenses, but if we all ate what we were supposed to, we'd be fine.

Unfortunately, my Texan roots are coming through, and I'm finding it hard to stay as disciplined as I should be. This last week was No Sugar Week, and while I had no problem avoiding fruit juice or candy or soda, I totally flew in the face of the rule and got a paper bucket full of sugar at a frozen yogurt place on Thursday night. Boo for me. Last night was a complete Chipotle burrito - at least I had the discipline in Texas to eat half and put the rest in the fridge.

What's more, another potential problem has cropped up: Japan. Ironic, since that's where I ate healthiest and lost tons of weight, but should I pull an Aroon and permanently eliminate something (say, meat), that'll make life hard in Japan. It's totally not a vegetarian-friendly place. I may end up working or residing there. This could be a problem.

Still, that's far from an excuse to be unhealthy in the here and now. Speaking of the here and now, I'm wondering if all the free food I'm scrounging at UCSD events (which is a requirement, if you're a grad student. I've never attended so many night-time lectures) is going to work out with the plan. 

According to the plan, this week is No Complex Carbs Week. I'm forsaking pasta, potatoes, bread and tortillas. I'm left with rice. 

This is unfortunate, since I just bought a half-pound each of ham and turkey. I think I'll let a tortilla slip if the school's buying wraps, though.

I have a feeling this week won't go well.