End of Year Awards!

I could make a big post justifying the best album, best game, etc. of the year, but really, I'm just too damn sleepy.

Stupid college.

Edit: I have a bit more energy now so I'm gonna do the quickie version.

Album of the year: Jamiroquai - Dynamite
Game of the year: Shadow of the Colossus

I've learned that the 'best of year' conversation is one best had over coffee with a bunch of knowledgeable people. A handful of us (myself, Mel, Martone, and Rizzo) all had the Game of the Year convo a couple days ago and it went fantastically. You probably could have put it on TV, if someone had bothered to film it. Right now, my life is just too busy (and my brain is far too tired) for me to sit in front of the screen and develop a well-articulated argument for either one of those. But if you really want to discuss it, I'm available to grab coffee any time.