Game Reviews in Nutshells

I really don't have the time to sit down and write thorough reviews of the games I've been playing, so I'll do each game in haiku form to make it worthwhile.

Doom 3
Great graphics and sound
Repetitive but intense
Endure it 'till Hell

Metal Gear Solid 3
Can't see it on my
LCD screen but Kojima
most def. went insane

Halo 2
Single player's great
Everything's better than 1
Yay for XBox Live

Full Spectrum Warrior
Repetitive but
it never really gets old
Play only co-op

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
"Just more of the same"
has never sounded better.
This game owns my soul.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
Warcraft, C&C,
Starcraft, and Kohan combined.
The explosions rule.

Half-Life 2

Around the corner: Keep your eyes open for Brothers in Arms (went to gold master about an hour ago), Gran Turismo 4 (next week), and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (early March).