Gaming? Wuzzat?

I seriously haven't been doing much of it lately. My mom thinks I'm outgrowing the habit, which scares me because I can't think of what will fill the void in my time and the fun centers in my brain. But I have two big thoughts:

-Hardcore? I'm done with it. I spent a couple weekends lanning with my old clanmates and Q3 buddies, since there's been talk of re-organizing something now that Quake4's out. And while I think Q4 is a very cool and very well-designed game, and it'll be a competitive success, it's not for me. It's *very* demanding technologically, because the Doom3 engine just plain sucks for multiplayer, and at this juncture in my life I don't have the money to drop on a new system, I don't have the stamina in my wrists to endure 2 hours a day of gameplay, and my social life both here at UT and at home in A-town is far too good to put a dent in for the sake of the game.

I do admit that I miss my writing for the scene, and just last week I went onto to look what of my old material I could recover. I managed to scrape up about the last 5 of my major articles, most of which were interviews. But even to get back into that would require a certain level of dedication which I just can't put out right now, not to mention regaining press access to the major events while I'm not living in Dallas full-time anymore. Maybe once I'm out of school, if I get real bored, it'll be something to pick back up, but by then I might have enough money to start throwing into cars on a more regular basis and I'll have a new hobby. =p

-Consoles: I miss being into 'em. I've had some of the most gaming fun in a long time being teamed up with my nearest friends, playing Halo together and whooping up on scrubs online. Mikey and I declared our retirement after some of the more recent playlist changes that made the Battle Rifle the starting weapon: they took everything that sucked about Halo 1 (spawning with the game's most powerful weapon) and put it straight back into Halo 2. It's way more fun to sit on the couch with your friends and go at it than it is to idle on IRC, waiting for games, waste time on the computer, etc. etc.

Since Perfect Dark Zero is launching with the Xbox360, my hopes are high, but according to the previews it's a large-team focused game, which is neato but not fun because you can't form a real close-knit team of 4 or 5 guys and there's no potential for individual players to be playmakers. If I turn out to be wrong, or there's a decent scene for 8-12 player games with teams, I'm *so* in, because Perfect Dark could have been one of the greatest games of all time. Oh, and PDZ looks purrrty.