Girly quiz time

Stole this completely from Abby, so blame her.



First best friend: Ryan McAfee. If you're out there buddy, keep on stayin' alive.

First date: Abby! (Not the one mentioned above or linked.) She just graduated high school and went to Southlake Carroll for a while, but didn't graduate from there. Probably the cutest date I had.

First break-up: Steph. Hah.

First self purchased album: Weezer - Pinkerton?

First funeral: My neighbor Gary, who lived across the street when I was 9 or 10. His death made me go sleepless the whole year of third grade and I spent every night thinking about what happens after death and all of the big questions. It was then I decided I didn't think there was a god.

First pets: A mini-schnauzer named Erika (who hated me) and some kind of collie named Tiff. I barely remember Tiff, but Erika, according to my parents, was very jealous of my birth, so she hated me my whole life. I remember vividly that every time I tried to pet her, she showed her teeth / growled / tried to bite me. I touched that dog once in her life.

First piercing/tattoo: Don't got one, and not planning on one either.

First enemy: Joseph Kolb, third grade. Basically a bully.


Current best friend: Multiple, in several social circles.

Current status: somewhere between single and occupied; it's all getting worked out.

Current song playing: Mindless Self Indulgence just changed to Charlie Parker. What a collection I've got.

Current thoughts: I smell like Bath & Body works - it must've been a good night or something went terribly wrong.

Current emotions: Bittersweet - leaving here and going to Austin.

Current status online: Around.

Current wonder: Where the emotion comes from in a romantic relationship. Committment and romance, I understand the two, but what I'm missing is the unique product you get when you put the two together.

Current instrument played: Voice, wishing I played piano or guitar.

Current need: Some kind of concrete goal for the progress of my college career.


Last cigarette: Took a drag a week ago *cue Bill Clinton* but I did not inhale.

Last kiss: An hour ago. Great kiss too.

Last good cry: A year or so ago?

Last movie seen: Harold and Kumar, and man oh man was it funny.

Last beverage drank: Cherry Kool-Aid. Not as good as Tropical Punch.

Last food consumed: Pasta, and dammit I'm hungry again.

Last crush: A *gasp* sorority girl! See last kiss / current emotions.

Last phone call: Call log says my mom, but I prefer to say Emily.

Last tv show watched: Blue Collar Comedy Tour (yeah, I sold out and watched it. It was worth it, so I'll stop hatin' on them there rednecks.)

Last shoes worn: Awesome sandals.

Last item bought: A Spicy Chicken Sandwich.

Last annoyance: Aroon makes shit up when he gets into arguments, in order to prove his points.

Last disappointment: That really cute girl is really really tired. And we're only in the same town for a week.

Last ice cream eaten: The last of my Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough a couple weeks ago.

Last website visited: My own (I'm a narcissist) - but it was only to make sure a post went through. Last site I read was or the forums.

Last time I'm doing this kind of thing: Probably the day I die.