Good news abounds

It's Monday. Usually people tend to get Cases of the Mondays. Not so with me. The weather always seems to be great, everyone's strangely in a great mood, and it makes me feel like Senor Popular walking around campus, saying hi to everyone I know and talking with amigos every-which-way. Other things that I have respect for today:

Basement Jaxx - The Singles - Yeah, Basement Jaxx released a singles compilation. It's 15 tracks and composes, well, all the best tracks the two guys ever cut. Yes, all the familiar songs that get played at every party are there, and they're unchanged from the studio versions, but there are guaranteed to be a handful of tracks you haven't heard, either due to their age (too old, from albums most people don't have; or too new, from last year's Kish-Kash) or their status as all-new tracks appearing on this CD for the first time.

John Carmack - Yeah, the id Software star programmer is still a rocket scientist in his spare time. His newest research? Making good cell phone games. We've needed someone like him to bring shitty cell phone games back to reality. If you don't speak code, read the paragraph about DoomRPG.
1 response
Pokemon is a comspiracy to reduce the worlds productive working hours and make children couch potatoes :))