Good times

So I was at Quakecon this weekend, and I got *nailed* with a virus that wiped the table of contents off my hard drive. The data was still there, so I saved my important documents, but Windows couldn't find any of it so I lost everything - my games, my MP3 collection (21 gigs), my photo album (everything from the last year that isn't on has disappeared), and my Doom3 savegame halfway through the game on Veteran difficulty.

Since there was a huge filesharing network at Qcon, I decided to recover as much as I could and get some new stuff in the process. Some useless stats:

-Current mp3 collection: 14.2 GB
-Biggest addition: Jazz (2.8 GB)
-Coolest addition: BT's movie soundtracks (Some Go and More, Under Suspicion)
-Catchiest addition: tie: Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get Retarded and Maroon5 - She Will Be Loved

So my advice to you, friends: don't get hit by a virus that whacks your hard drive. And if you do, have a spare 80GB HD sitting around to back up all your music and photos.