
Over the summer, some of we a-town thugs discovered the joy of Hamachi, a fully-featured VPN emulator (basically a local LAN emulator that works over the net). It's fully encrypted and secure for professional purposes, but it's seamless and easy as hell to use. We used it mostly for playing Warcraft3 online without having to use Battle.net, but I think that it'll be even more useful now that we're geographically spread out again. Not only is it good for Windows filesharing and the like, but it'll make life easier for organizing a random game night, perhaps with Defcon (see the post below) for people who are interested in that. Anyway, set yourself up with Hamachi and use the info below to join in on the fun:

Join existing network
Network: atown
Password: ssb

When you first sign on, you'll likely not see anyone online. That's OK, really. The network is just there for when we want it.