Happy 2013

Happy 2013, peeps!

2012 wasn't that bad - I had a roof over my head and food on the table and full-time employment, and a lot of people didn't - but relative to my expectations and goals it wasn't satisfying at all.

Still, I survived, and I've spent my holidays celebrating that accomplishment. 2013 looks much better on pretty much every front: career, financial, enjoyment, gaming, travel, you name it.

I've never been much of one for resolutions, but over the last year I learned a bit about goal-setting and how to do it properly. So, here's a specific checklist of stuff I'm dying to do this year:

-Snowboarding and hot springs in Hokkaido
-Visit Korea or Taiwan
-Scale Musivu
-Attend the F1 Japan GP
-More nights out with the boys from work
-More nights out in somewhere Tokyo
-Play more games
-Some misc. professional goals that wouldn't make sense outside our intranet

Let me know if you'd like to join me!

Also, there's a couple things I do less of now, or would like to do less of:

-Instant messaging. The closures of AIM and MSN this year were signs that that era has ended. Living in the wrong time zone means nobody's online when I get home from work. And when a message does come, it's a live conversation, which often is more inconvenient than it used to be. 

I just got a new machine and I'm (probably) not installing Adium on it. My phone now does a much, much better job of IM-style conversations, and I can do it at my own pace. IM is dead. Long live smartphones!

-Facebook. I'm an obsessive user. It's time to go out and make action happen, rather than sit and watch the screen and wait for it to happen.

Pictures from the end of 2012 coming soon!