Happy birthday snagger.org

Woo! Since Blogger doesn't follow my day/night system, this post falls right at the start of August 2nd.

My Blogger site is now officially 3 years old.

There were things before, like dinky websites made with Frontpage. Somewhere in the middle of this, there was a self-coded page that took me forever to convert all the comments for. I hosted that biyatch on my own home computer and still somehow had readers even though I turned the box off at night. And back I came, deciding to let someone else do the hard work and let myself focus on the writing.

But old Blogger stuck by me, refusing to lose my posts for a solid three years. Well done, Blogger crew. I'm absolutely shocked that something that's been such a significant presence in my life for so long hasn't ever cost me a cent. Thank goodness for Google who had the niceness and the smarts to buy Blogger out last year and keep the system running and even make it better.

So, dear little website, happy 3rd. Thanks to everyone who sees this for reading it. It means a lot to me, and it'll keep meaning a lot.