Happy Birthday to Me

Happy 22, me.

This birthday rocked pretty hard, and it's not done rocking.

Friday night I finally saw Casino Royale, which totally delivered. Man, Bond movies rock. This one was gritty, yet still a Bond movie. Crazy stuff.

Saturday I finally made good on my promise and threw a party called "Get Drunk and Wii All Over My Couch." A really low-key affair with just a few close friends, and there was indeed drunkenness and Wii. It's stuff like this that I'll miss the most about college - get drunk, play games with your closest friends, and then make a super-late-night food run.

Sunday was truly a wonderful birthday. My girlfriend, Sunny, took me out to dinner, where we completely destroyed three plates of food at PF Chang's, ran around Whole Foods, and proceeded to take some cutesy couple pictures. It was one big holiday romantic cliche all in one night. I had always wanted to do that.

Oh, and my mom called to let me know that she paid for my Wii.

I am blessed beyond belief. Several phone calls, 5 messages, 8 or so cocktails, and 59 wall posts later, I'm now 22 and have entered the realm of adulthood. Except for one small part...

I'm throwing a party this weekend. A huge one. 190 people invited, and 75 confirmations. That probably means around 100 people. If you're a reader and you can make it in from out of town, let me know. I'm going all out on this party, so make this the one to come out to.

In the mean time, enjoy dead week, everyone.