I bought a coffee table

and it was a heck of an adventure, as far as coffee table shopping can be. I tried multiple Targets, and everything was ugly as sin. I tried Target online, where all the cool ones were stupidly expensive. I tried Ikea.com, where things were nice and affordable but the shipping cost twice the price of the stupid table.

Finally I gave in, strapped myself into my car and made the hour-long drive out to Frisco, Texas, to the new Ikea store that was the talk of the town a few months back. It actually became somewhat fun because I was surprised at how effortlessly I got from one side of this metropolis to the other. It was one of those moments where I stepped out of my car (surprisingly not feeling uncomfortable after an hour) and silently thanked it for being the wonderful, loyal car it is. Once inside, it took me more time to navigate the store, get my cart, haul my table over to the checkout lines, and check out than it did to pick out a nice, usable, fitting table for $30. Nevertheless, I made sure to hurry because I was definitely about to get sucked in to the place and start finding really cool stuff.

On the way home, I wrote a haiku about my experience at Ikea:

Fat Americans
buying skinny Swedish things
even at midday