I'm moving to...

San Diego!

I committed to UCSD a couple weeks ago after visiting the campus and finding that it alone, out of my selection of four potential grad schools, had the "laid-back state school" vibe I find so familiar.

Thankfully, in the last two years I came to my senses and decided against law school, and in its stead I'll be getting a Masters in international relations.

Well, technically, International Relations and Pacific Studies. It's a clever mix of MBA-ish business work, working-level economics, high-level language training, and a smattering of other courses like Globalization and policy stuff. All of it's given a strong slant toward Pacific Rim countries, which includes Japan, China, Korea, Southeast Asia and Latin America.

Long story short, it's much more my cup of tea than law school would ever be. My experience in Japan kind of slingshotted me into the gig, and most of the Japan specialists in the program are also ex-JETs like me.

It's two years of coursework with an all-but-required summer internship between the two years. There's also a chance to study abroad, which I don't know if I'll take yet, but if I do it'd be a fantastic chance to spend a semester at the University of Tokyo, which is a school for badasses.

In any case, students pick a regional specialty and a career specialty. I'll certainly be in the Japan region, but for the career stuff I'm still torn, but leaning towards International Economics. It's a pretty popular choice, and I can survive the mathematical work that seems to have plenty of people scared. Maybe I should be scared of everything else, given the lethargic pace at which I read.

Of course, there's the fantasticness of San Diego, which seems to enchant people around me with a mere mention. UCSD does have some fabulous scenery, and the IR buildings actually sit right above the ocean. I've had more people than I can count promise to come visit me. Oddly, when I was there I wasn't blown away by any of the scenery or ocean proximity, but in all fairness I was exhausted from my travel and still getting over the ugly shock of a city that was Los Angeles.

I take off sometime in July. In the meantime I'm doing all the playing and traveling I can, so hopefully I'll be visiting you soon!
