International travel is hard

I've spent a lot of today on the phone with mom arranging my travel and other considerations for Spain. She's buying my ticket tomorrow (thanks mom!) and it's $1200 for a round-trip ticket on American to Madrid. I'm leaving the morning of June 1st and I'll be leaving from Madrid on July 14th and arriving back in the US the afternoon of that day.

She asks that I take a lot of pictures - I'll either just let her know this site exists and post my stuff here, or else I'll create a separate blog to house my Europe trip. Anyway, there will be pictures and posts from Europe when available - I'll be taking my camera and USB connector so I can load pictures on whatever computers I can find over there; cybercafes are pretty common.

I was just made aware the other day that I'll have to renew my passport because it's going to expire within 6 months after my return to the US. What a stupid policy - how about just making it expire 6 months earlier? The typical renewal turnaround according to the Dept. of State website is "Typically within approximately 6 weeks." It's basically 6 weeks to the day until I leave, which is a little too close for government work, so I'll be shelling out an additional $60 for extradited renewal. Le sigh.

Other news on living my dream: The legal age to rent a car in most European countries is 18. I have a credit card, and one of the big American car rental agencies (I think it's Enterprise, but I can't remember) offers big discounts to students in Germany. I think you can see where this is going.

Also note: My study abroad program ends on July 7th. My return flight is July 14th. I have a week, entirely to myself and by myself, to spend however I wish in Europe. I'm insanely nervous and insanely excited at the same time.