It's National Blow Shit Up Day!

Yes, kids, the 4th is right around the corner. We've all been running around making our little underground plans. Well, here's the final list and plan, just hope someone on bigger sites will pick this up. I'm leaving town Thursday afternoon for Oklahoma. I'll have my cell, but I won't have internet access. I come back Friday afternoon, at which point I hope we have a plan.

The whole shebang is still up in the air, since we have nowhere to put it all right now. Last I talked to Thomas, he was going to look into volunteering his place, but I haven't heard back. Here is what we've got so far.

Friday afternoon: set up at someone's house. Play. Cook out some good food. Swim (if there is a pool wherever we end up). Storm Aroon's house last-minute to watch the Ballpark fireworks from his roof. Go continue playing all night long until the early morning hours, as usual. The name of the game will be the original Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which we'll have copies of handy.

Here's the list, as it is currently. Siblings are invited, as well:

Aroon (to arrive late)

For those wondering, Nick will be out of town. If there's anyone missing from the list, feel free to invite them. If you see this, and you're not on the list but want to be, then you can assume you've been added.

Since I'm out of town for the time during which this needs to be planned, I'm putting Wodarski, Cameron, Alex and Aroon in charge. You'll all be working together and if something doesn't come together by the time I'm back (Friday early evening, 6:00-7:00) then no shindig for any of us. Good luck to all of us.