John Mayer in Austin


And wow again. I lost all my updates. Fuck you, blogger. But Adam, Michelle and I all went to see JM play tonight at the Erwin Center, and a fantastic time was had. We found random people, old friends, and I have a nice long-sleeve shirt to prove my presence.

Set list (not in complete order, but Sarah nabbed the actual list so she'll post it and have lots of pics): Clarity, Bigger Than My Body, Something's Missing, No Such Thing, New Deep, Come Back to Bed, My Stupid Mouth, Daughters, Your Body is a Wonderland, Why Georgia, closed with Wheel. Encore: Comfortable, St. Patrick's Day, 83. Amazing bunch of songs (I love every single one except New Deep, wth is that).

Seats: About 15 rows back from the stage, on the floor of Erwin Center. Three girls from my dorm got randomly bumped from Section 77 (nosebleed) to front row center, massive congrats to them.

Opener: The North Mississippi All-Stars were a surprisingly good blues band with a harder backbeat. I enjoyed their set quite a lot.

During the Show: Again, John is a ridiculous improvisor both on guitar and on vocals. He didn't pull any really cool stunts like last time I saw him in Dallas, but altogether he definitely showed his talent and made good use of it. Lots of songs had extra verses, so I'm really hoping there are good bootlegs from the show and lyrics to go along with. The rants between songs were hilariously witty. Oh, and he had to stop Bigger Than My Body and restart it because the soundboard guys seriously fucked up his guitar. Very funny.

Photography: Michelle and I got some pretty good pictures. Her camera's got a higher resolution than mine, so I'll have a complete post when her pics go up. But for now, click this.

I really love good concerts. Sitting there I thought to myself that there would just be nothing better than being a musician as stupidly famous and successful as Mayer, but I'm really not sure that I'm cut out for that kind of thing anyway. But hey, it makes for a really good Sunday night. Except it wasn't: "It's not a Sunday night," Mayer remarked after Bigger Than My Body. "You may think it is, but it's not."

Update: The photo album is online! Surf on over to by clicking the link on the right, and enjoy pics taken by a) my blurry S200, b) Michelle's less-blurry S230, and c) Scotty Crowe from Proof once and for all that a good time was had by pretty much everyone in the Erwin Center Sunday night.