Liberal talk radio! (politics)

My old teammate, jasonKOK (we called him rench, ok?), posted a comment about this but I think it deserves a full post. This doohickey's a great idea, just 10 years later than it should've happened. Air America is the new liberal talk-radio station that's slowly spreading around the country. They're only up in like 6 major cities (and especially not ones in the South), but they've got a beast streaming network that apparently recently had 1.2 million simultaneous listeners for Al Franken's show, "The O'Franken Factor."

My roommate has this constantly playing. Now before everyone gets all in arms about politics, here's my lay of the land:

-Finally, a strong counterattack to the right-wing media (Fox, Rush, etc.)
-Has some good arguments
-Quality conversations/arguments with show guests/callers
-Al Franken makes fun of conservatives

-This stuff is strictly liberal. I, a liberal sympathizer, don't agree with all of it, which means most of you very likely won't either. But just because the argument is there doesn't mean everything they want to happen has to happen.
-Even the liberals can get their whack jobs on the air. One woman's show that Tim (roommate) is constantly listening to is just crazy, it's like putting a Feminazi on the air. Can we say bleeding-heart?

-It's good. There has needed to be a strong opposition to this Republican-friendly crap factory for a long time. Even if it is over the top, all the better. We smarties (by smarties I refer to all of my readers) can make better determinations about what this country needs. But the brainless right-wingers who worship Rush Limbaugh or the No-Spin Zone (ha) daily need someone to tell them to sit down and shut the hell up. Give it a listen, it's amusing regardless of your political standing.