Life in Austin

is pretty damn nice. As luck would have it, I am in fact in a basement in Blanton. Apparently, three rooms were renovated just recently, so me and five other guys are the first to live in our own suite with three rooms, a bathroom, and a study area with leather funiture. Everything's brand spankin' new. So new, in fact, that RAs and sophomores didn't know people lived down here. It's kind of like driving to my house: it looks all kinds of ghetto all around until you get right into my neighborhood and suddenly everything looks nice and clean and new. The whole complex has a lockable door, so really we're all just a bunch of suitemates. Of the six of us, one hasn't shown up but we're sure he's an engineer. Three more are engineers (the room next door and my roommate) and there's one other P2 guy. Needless to say, it's kinda nerdy down here. And our bathroom even gets cleaned by DHFS. We have a window that's largely blocked but plenty of sunlight gets in. I just got done with my first round of ultimate frisbee and I'm awaiting pickup from the one and only Joshvar who I haven't seen in a bitch ass long time. Once I finish sneezing, at least. But yeah, of all the possible places to spend a year of college, I think I got the best thing on campus. I know I won't want to leave. Long live The Suite!