New pictures!

Cool things that happened this weekend:
Plan II Formal (pictures are up on the webspace, click here for direct link)
Campus LAN party
Quadfest (free wings for breakfast, mmm)

Meh things that happened:
Research for my stupid paper
Watching a movie for the same stupid World Lit class
Choir concert

While I had a great time being social, I kind of lamented the fact that I had to go straight to watch A Streetcar Named Desire for my damn lit class. Not only did I miss 24, but it kept me from being able to invite my mom down here to see the choir concert, which she woulda liked. The concert was, well, meh. The groups gave a decent performance and the turnout was good, no doubt, but to be brutally honest I can think of a lot of things that were missing from the show. My new friend Meghan is trying to convince me to join her and her little posse over at the Longhorn Singers, and it's certainly all the more tempting in the wake of the show.

Oh, and those pictures from the formal came out great, so go check 'em out if you're into:
-pictures of parties
-certain inebriated people (not me!)
-really cute girls all dressed up
-other certain people getting caught staring at Sanjita's boobs