New rule, amigos.

New rule, effective immediately:

No directly addressing days of the week. All statements like the ones below are officially verboten:

"Dear Monday: We didn't get along last week. Let's try harder this time, eh? Love, Me"
"Friday, how I love you more than your nearest brethren."
"Tuesday: Stop being so rainy. I'm le bored."

Those who continue to post such statements will be penalized 5 Twitter followers for each subsequent statement.

Look sharp, friends. The Cool Police are watching - and they beat my ass like Rodney King just last week.


2 responses
I enjoy addressing the occasional inanimate object.
I have no problem with addressing various, or occasional, inanimate objects. How could I single-handedly ban something like "Oh, whiskey, how I missed you so?"

This rule affects only days of the week.