Quiz time!

Blame everyone whose journal I've read lately.

TEN Random Things About Me:
10. My friends use my laptop more than I do.
9. I've paid for one CD for myself in the last 4 years.
8. I was dropped as a baby.
7. My dad blames *me* for having been dropped.
6. I was born in California.
5. I thought the University of Texas was the *last* place I'd end up. Quoth my high school freshman alter-ego, "what a hick school, why would I stay in Texas?"
4. I have never finished a Final Fantasy game on my own.
3. I haven't been weighed in years. I think it's still around 180.
2. Every time I brush my teeth, my childhood friends who lived across the street from me come to mind. I can't explain why.
1. I really, really can't stand seafood. At all.

NINE things I absolutely have to have:
9. Cell phone, although most times I call other people.
8. Dr. Pepper - caffeine addiction got me bad.
7. Watch, I feel naked without it.
6. Chap stick, I go insane without it.
5. Wallet, I get paranoid without it.
4. Hugs.
3. Car keys, see wallet.
2. Chinese food
1. Email.

EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
8. See Japan.
7. Drive the Nurburgring. Beat 10 minutes.
6. Drive Highway 1.
5. Return to Hawaii.
4. Write a book.
3. Get married. Never get divorced.
2. Own a race-level car.
1. Have 15 minutes.

SEVEN ways to win my heart:
7. Brains.
6. Beautiful smiles.
5. Dark hair and eyes.
4. Loads of maturity.
3. Music.
2. Being a good kisser never hurts.
1. If you laugh at the same twisted things I do, you win.

SIX Things I believe in:
6. Myself.
5. Love at first sight.
4. Gay marriage ain't that bad, really.
3. Karma.
2. International cooperation.
1. Things working out in the end.

FIVE Things I’m afraid of:
5. Not being successful.
4. Animals.
3. Being alone forever.
2. Death.
1. Storms, sometimes.

FOUR of my favorite items in my bedroom:
4. Bed.
3. Computer.
2. Picture of pre-skank Michelle Branch.
1. The pimp robe.

THREE things I do everyday:
3. Brush my teeth - usually once but I have a Sonicare so it's ok.
2. Drink something caffeinated.
1. Listen to badass music.

TWO things I am trying not to do right now:
2. Think about my philosophy final tomorrow morning at 9am.
1. Evidently, properly replace Erin's answers with my own.

ONE person I want to see right now:
1. Claire Potter - if for some strange reason you see this, I miss you!