Racing around

It's almost summertime!

That means racing season is upon us, and I'm determined to take advantage with my wonderful little car because it's MINE ALL MINE MUAHAHAHAA.

Sorry about that.

Anyway, I'm planning on getting up early on Saturdays to go whip my car around little tracks made of cones. That's called autocrossing, and my friends have been going for years and I've felt all left out. That will change for the first couple months of summer, and I'm excited to engage a) my competitive instinct and b) with the car guys I happen to know.

Hopefully, that's just the beginning. In the last couple of years I've been able to scratch off a lot of the things on my Bucket List, but one of the more persistent entries has been to go to a full-blown racing school. The kind of place where you drop $2,000 or $3,000 and get about 3 days of instruction behind purpose-built racecars.

It might seem like overkill to a dedicated car guy - "you can get 75% of the learning for 5% of the cost with autocrossing" - but I feel like my driving skill could benefit from a sledgehammer approach. Secretly, I've always suspected I was a born driver. I wanted one of those kiddie electric car Power Wheels thingies so bad when I was little, and never got one. Then it became a go-kart. Then it became an actual car.

And then I turned 9.

If I had parents who cared less for my limbs at an early age, perhaps I'd have been put in one of those little racing karts and started a career in Formula 1 at the age of like 19.

Now, F1 drivers are younger than me. That's a hard pill for me to swallow.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not imagining that I'll go to racing school and "get discovered" and wind up being a badass and bagging super-hot Japanese halfie F1 girlfriend Jessica Michibata.

But I'll at least feel like I earned something special, and that's nearly a requirement for something to make my Bucket List.
