Re: Soph and abortion, and oh yeah, I'm home

Go check pi by clicking on the Aroon & Soph link over on the right. Then find the giant blue block of text (yes, it burns my eyes too) and read up on Soph's encounter with the abortion debate taking place in the West Mall earlier today. When I walked by, it was the pro-life guy on the microphone begging someone to come up and argue with him. Nobody cared. Somebody made fun of him by the time I reached the Six-Pack and I laughed out loud while other people around me didn't get it. I almost walked up and quoted Bill Hicks:

"So you're pro-life? Instead of locking arms and blocking abortion clinics, why don't you lock arms and block cemeteries? Let's see how committed you fuckers are to this cause."

Just for the sake of not causing an abortion debate thread, here's my viewpoint: I'm pro-woman's-choice. This is not synonymous with "I am for the woman's right to choose." I think the women of the country should get together and make the decision for themselves on abortion all together, and force the pigs we men are to deal with it. It's nothing more than a moral decision to be made: whether or not abortion is OK. Not religious, economic, or a matter for the health care industry (three things which the current government really loves but still sucks at like Gershkoff and basketball). I don't care if men are making up half the country's population; it's their choice

Oh, but the happy news is I'm home for Thanksgiving. It was an insanely fast drive here with Soph ridin' on the side and so much talk that my throat dried out halfway there and we yet still kept talking. It's midnight, mom's in bed (she has to go to work tomorrow), and I'm just waiting to get tired before I crash, get up tomorrow and go get my hair taken care of and perhaps find some other crazy hijinks over in Ft. Worth.

Oh, crap. I just remembered I have homework to finish on this trip home (I hate having projects due next week, it's so insane). I guess that'll keep me occupied tomorrow, too. But hey, at least I'm living in the luxury of my wonderful little home once more.