Santander, 3rd Saturday

spinning: John Mayer - 3x5

A quick stop in Castro Urdiales, a fishing town with a really old church and gorgeous bay. Ran around for 5 hours with professors, Laura, and the other Blake. We spoke only Spanish, and I learned a lot more than language. All of us bonded over some real history, a gorgeous bay, and a fantastic restaurant lunch.

Bilbao: Guggenheim way surpassed my expectations. Truly appreciated the small Pop Art collection and the architectural tour. There wasn't too much that I wanted to see, but still 90 minutes wasn't nearly enough time. Museum of Fine Arts disappointed even though there was a fine collection of very famous artists. Prof. Montiel did everything he could to show me a good time, but the only thing I learned was that the man knows his stuff about art. This is a fine place, and my profs are brilliant guides.